Lugano Waterfront Masterplan

Lugano Waterfront Masterplan

The Lugano lakefront redevelopment project aims to consolidate its role as the city's main public space, consisting of a continuous network of green spaces facing the water. This is possible by mitigating the impact of the major vehicular traffic flow that represents a caesura for the usability and attractiveness of the entire area.

The priority intervention will therefore address the moderation of private motorized traffic and consequent enhancement of public transport and slow mobility as the main vectors of mobility on the lakefront.

The overall concept is oriented toward a redefinition of the character of the different areas. Riva Caccia loses its role as a transit boulevard and is transformed into an equipped public park with the character of botanical gardens on the lake; the center, freed from traffic and paved as new, becomes the terrace on the lake enclosed between two urban parks; the functional space of Parco Ciani understood as the park at the mouth of the Cassarate River extends from the gardens of Piazza Indipendenza to the Lanchetta; the shore of Cassarate from the Lanchetta to the Ponte del Diavolo becomes the main public space of the lakeside village.

In order to ensure the continuity of the public space along the shore, action is taken only where strictly necessary with a path that can embrace the entire gulf, from San Salvatore to Monte Brè.

Collaborators: Inches Geleta Architetti, Demattè Fontana, Urbanista, Comal

Location: Lugano, Switzerland

Date: 2021